What is polycystic ovary?

The situation we call polycystic ovary; the number and reserve of the eggs of women is too much, that is, the definition of the female syndrome with too many ovaries will be correct. In every 5 or 6 women, we see 1 polycystic ovary syndrome. So it is a situation that we face very often.
Polycystic ovary patients have a large number of eggs in the ovarian tissue than they should be.In fact, polycystic disease is a very misunderstood condition among the cyst people in it.It would be much more correct to say female ovarian syndrome.
So what does this disease do?
Like egg scarcity, excess is a problem. When women have too many eggs, their menstrual cycle is 13. On the 14th day, ovulation should be, while 1 egg can not be hatched from the inside of the eggs. In these patients there is no ovulation. Without ovulation, of course, delayed menstruation, hormonal imbalance continues to follow the obesity in 40%, and this begins to revolve around the vicious cycle. As you see delayed menstruation, the hormonal balance is upset. Hormonal balance is overturned by delayed menstruation, while obesity, with the onset of insulin resistance, is now becoming irreversible.
This group of patients first needs to know; they must use drugs such as a diabetes patient to see regular menstruation. Medication should be used for continuous menstruation from the age at which it first menstruation to adolescence to menopause.
So what should this group of patients do when they want a pregnancy? In this process, we primarily give ovulation treatment drugs 1 or 2 eggs development is provided. In this way, both the conception of the egg is facilitated from the back of the egg cracking and the menstrual cycle is fulfilled.
However, in the treatment algorithm of patients with general polycystic ovary, if they do not stop growing eggs for 6 months and cannot conceive, we pass the tube to the baby without losing time in this patient group. Because when there are a lot of eggs, the quality decreases. In the tube baby, we separate and choose the quality of the eggs in these follicles, which are actually 100 microns, under the microscope. Then we try to increase the pregnancy rates by evaluating them and obtaining quality embryos and placing them in the main uterus.
As a result, women with polycystic ovary should be under physician control for quality life.