Menopause is not the beginning of ageing

Menopause, literally; means the pause of menstruation. The slowing down of the activity of the ovaries begins with a slowing of the release of estrogen and progesterone snoring. If the last menstruation is 6 months or more, menopause is considered to have started if there is no other reason leading to menstruation.
When does menopause begin?
Menopause age begins between the ages of 40-55, depending on the woman's diet, family and racial characteristics and lifestyle.
What are the symptoms of menopause?
- Interruption of menstrual bleeding
- Hot flashes, night sweats
- Palpitations
- Insomnia
irritability, depression, forgetfulness
- Bouts of crying
- Slowing of mental functions, difficulty concentrating
- Skin dryness, hair breakage and loss
- predisposition to gain weight
Painful sexual intercourse
- Vaginal dryness
- joint pains
- Osteoporosis
What is premenopause?
It is the period when the first signs of menopause appear. The length of this period can be different for every woman. (1-5 years) The average age of menopause of Turkish women is 47 ’. 1 Percent of women enter menopause before the age of 40.
What is the treatment of menopause?
It is possible to reduce or even fully correct the problems experienced during menopause by local or oral estrogen (hormone) treatment. Controlled menopause treatment can prevent the complaints of the menopause process without causing significant side effects.
Is drug treatment enough?
Menopause treatment is possible not only with drug treatment, but also with lifestyle modification. Pay attention to the diet, avoid foods that raise cholesterol, increase calcium intake. Exercise regularly and get enough and regular sleep.
What are the conditions in which hormone therapy should not be applied?
- Patients with uterine cancer, the,
Patients with breast cancer, and,
- those with acute liver disease, such as,
- Acute vascular disease (clotting etc.),
- those with neuroophthalmic (nerve system and eye-related) vascular disease.
What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is the loss of bone tissue. With the decrease of estrogen production, an increase in bone loss is observed, the bones become porous. This causes bone pain and bone fractures. Estrogen therapy stops osteoporosis. If combined with calcium, spinal fractures are prevented by 80 percent.
Reminders to live the second spring of your life...
Go to the doctor once a year
have a breast X-ray and ultrasound after 40 years of age.
- Eat foods with calcium, especially from the teenage years.
- Benefit from the sunlight needed for calcium.
Get in the habit of daily exercise.
- Avoid gaining weight.
- Believe in the necessity of hormone therapy.
Do not smoke, do not smoke,
- Think positive.
Remember! Menopause is not the beginning of ageing.
Some of the women who enter menopause see this period as equivalent to the onset of aging. Criteria should be considered as a period when a number of supports should be taken to continue to spend their days healthy, not temporally aging...No matter how young a person who is not in good physical and mental health may be, no matter how long he lives, he will not be happy and productive.
Don't be afraid of Menopause!
Take the necessary precautions for this period and be cautious...