New hope in tube baby failure ERA TEST

The ERA test (Endometrial Receptivity Assay) is a genetic test that sheds light on the transfer of good quality embryos and the creation of new treatment method in patients who have no serious cause explaining failure.Tube baby therapy is a very important step in the development of new medical advances it comes at the beginning of the areas where fast pregnancy rates are increasing in this treatment, although some couples apply more treatment, pregnancy is still not achieved. The ERA test is a new hope that can shed light on us at this point.
For pregnancy, the uterus is as important as the baby.
looking at the ERA test from this angle, it gives us a solid knowledge of the uterine environment, as it allows genetic testing of the ability of the intrauterine membrane to accept the embryo. In the studies conducted, it was determined that 238 genes related to the implantation window were involved. The ERA test shows whether intrauterine cells will accept the baby, and if the transfer is done on which day, success can be increased. By taking a very small sample of tissue from the lining of the uterus in the patient's natural menstrual cycle or hormone therapy cycle, the expression levels of these 238 genes are screened and determined whether the uterus is suitable for transfer. Thus, the time of the implantation window is revealed and the unique embryo transfer time is obtained.
Evaluation of ERA test results
If the result is positive (i.e., receptive), the transfer of the embryo, which is stored by freezing or which we have developed freshly, is carried out on the day that is clearly determined in accordance with ERA. If the test results in a change in the implantation window time (time of retention of the embryo), a second test determines the time of the new implantation window. Thus, the correct time for embryo transfer to be done is determined clearly and the transfer is adjusted according to that time so that the embryo can be held.